Monday 31 October 2011

Old Wax Models Ecorche Revisited

Image copyright  Art  Di Lella
This past weekend, I was planning a post on my bronze sculpture series but when I was going through a box of old wax models, I came across the original wax Ecorche figures.
Image copyright  Art  Di Lella
Image copyright  Art  Di Lella
Image copyright  Art Di Lella
Even though they were damaged during the moulding process, I still find them a pleasure to look at after all these years. Wax is one of my favorite materials. I love it's fluid quality and it's versatility. It can be used either as an intermediate model or as a finished sculpture. It's easy to work and it requires less complication in armature building than clay. It's worked up with hands, steel tools and heat. I find it a very relaxing activity to sit in a comfortable chair and play with some wax. I have in the past made many small wax models to work out ideas for different sculpture projects. Some have survived such as the Ecorche figures and others are simply melted down to be used for new ideas.
Meanwhile,back in the studio I'm working on a number of moulds this week so I won't have much to report on BB, but there is a chance. We'll see.
Talk to you all later this week. Take care.


  1. Fascinating work, Art. Thanks also for the review in the last post which makes it easier on dial-up users like me and gives perspectve to the evolution of these necessarily complicated pieces. Paralysis through over-thinking - how true.
    Good luck with your work this week!
