Saturday, 26 January 2013

Hyper or Photo Realistic Reconstructed Sculpture #8 Roughing Out Clay Model Part 5

Copyright       Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright       Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright        Art   Di Lella 2013

Copyright        Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright       Art  Di Lella 2013

I'm still roughing things out and feeling my way through this process so far.  Although it may appear the model is far along there is still a lot contouring and adjustments that are still needed before embarking on to details and of course skin texture.

Later, I'm hoping next month to do some silicone casting and get more posts dealing with the finishing aspects of the work.
I'll be back next week,enjoy the rest of your weekend. Cheers.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Return of Jesus

Copyright  Peter Joyce 2013
The above image was sent to me recently by the artist Peter Joyce. It is the finished bronze sculpture that  was cast by The Crucible Foundry.  I was responsible for the mould of this sculpture which was made during the spring of 2012.
It's a real pleasure for me to see the final outcome of any art project that I'm involved in because as being part of the mould making process it's rare for me to see another artist's finished work. I'd just thought it would be good opportunity to show the final bronze with images of the original clay model below.

Copyright   Art Di Lella 2013       Sculpture by Peter Joyce

      Copyright   Art  Di Lella 2013          Sculpture by Peter Joyce

Copyright  Art  Di Lella 2013          Sculpture by Peter Joyce
The images above illustrate the clay model of this very unconventional Christ. It was part of a post done back at the end of April of 2012.

Peter does not have a website at the moment but I'll post contact info when it becomes available.

I'll be back later in the week with studio updates.  Have a great week.Cheers.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Hyper or Photo Realist Reconstructed Sculpture #8 Part 4 Roughing Out Clay Model

Copyright       Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright          Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright      Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright        Art  Di lella 2013

Copyright          Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright        Art  Di Lella 2013
Hey, these are my latest images.  I'm now just getting a sense of which direction to go with this individual.
 I hope to finish the roughing out stage by the end of this month  and then the following month final contouring and then skin texture.
In the meantime,I've been working on photos of studio projects that I'm working on for other artists.
I'm hoping those images will be ready for next week In the meantime,I wish all my visitors a great weekend.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Hyper Realistic Reconstructed Sculpture #8 Clay Model Part #3

Copyright        Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright        Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright          Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright           Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright               Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright           Art  Di Lella 2013

Hello again,
I spent time towards the end of last week working on #8.  As an artist, I've always been curious about how things are made and the process by which they evolve.
For me this model will go through a number of revisions which simply means that the face you see now will change and I wanted to show this process more frequently because I hope it will give the viewer a better understanding visually how a particular art piece comes into being.
Anyway, there will be another post on this sculpture later this week so stay tuned.
Have a great week! Cheers!

Friday, 11 January 2013

Hyper Realistic Reconstructed Sculpture #8 Part2

Copyright      Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright      Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright     Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright        Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright        Art  Di Lella 2013
These images are the latest of my new photo realist bust.  Lots to do. Although the early stages may appear to go quickly,things will definitely slow down as the sculpture progresses.
I still find this part of modelling exciting because a face begins to emerge from the skull fairly quickly. Hopefully, it's unique and not generic looking or has similarity to the others in this series. We'll see how it goes.

As far as other news, I'm still working on a number of moulds and casts for other artists and hope to publish those images soon.
I wish you all a great weekend. Talk to you,next week.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Hyper Realistic Reconstructed Sculpture #8

It's a new year and it's time to start #8, the last in this series of hyper realistic or photo realist busts that are part of an installation idea I've been developing over the past two years.

The subject of today's post is a young adult female. She's a bit unique in that she has a complete set of teeth,all thirty two. They appear to have little wear on them as well which also distinguishes her from the others. I'm looking forward to see how this particular individual compares to #2 also a youngish adult female.

Copyright     Art  Di Lella 2013
Copyright    Art Di Lella 2013
Copyright    Art  Di Lella 2013
Copyright     Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright        Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright       Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright      Art  Di Lella 2013
As you can see I'm at the very beginning of this project. The modelling for me is a very gradual process at the beginning where I spend most of my plotting where the facial features need to go as well trying to follow the skull's form and surface details as carefully as possible. 

There will be frequent updates of her progress plus the studio is quite busy at the moment so I'm hoping to show more images of other artists' works too.
I'll be back soon, enjoy your week.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Positive Destruction and Renewal Hyper Realistic Reconstructed Sculpture #2

Copyright     Art  Di Lella 2013
 The subject of today's post is the destruction of model #2 otherwise referred to as Young Woman or simply YW.  With a mould and silicone cast in existence of #2 it was no longer necessary to maintain the original clay model.

As had been customary in earlier posts, I wanted to show the destruction of the original  model.  This clay sculpture which was completed in 2011 and moulded in 2012 is still awaiting final finishing in silicone.
Although the images in this post may appear to the viewer to be somewhat grotesque, I really wanted to illustrate how close the skull is to the surface features and by implication how it influences them.
Copyright     Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright         Art   Di Lella 2013

Copyright        Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright       Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright        Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright       Art  Di Lella 2013
The Renewal aspect will be the creation of a new bust Hyper Realistic Reconstructed Sculpture #8 from the recycled clay and armature of #2.
The next post will focus on the early stages of the clay modelling process for #8. There will be frequent updates of #8(need to give her an acronym or nickname) over the next several weeks with news on other fronts as well.
I will return early next week ,enjoy the rest of your weekend. Cheers!

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Year and 2012 Review in Pictures

Copyright     Art  Di Lella 2013 "LO"

Copyright        Art  Di Lella 2013 "LO"

Copyright         Art  Di Lella 2013 "LO with her skull"

Copyright       Art Di Lella 2013

Copyright    Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright      Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright      Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright       Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright    Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright    Art  Di Lella 2013 "OM with his skull"

Copyright    Art  Di Lella 2013 "LO"

Copyright     Art  Di Lella 2013 "RM"

Copyright    Art  Di Lella  2013 "RM"

Copyright     Art Di Lella 2013  "RM"

Copyright      Art Di Lella  2013 "RM"

Copyright      Art Di Lella 2013 "RM"

Copyright     Art  Di Lella  2013 "LTB"

Copyright       Art Di Lella 2013 "LTB"

Copyright       Art  Di Lella 2013     "Skull and clay model of OM"

Copyright         Art  Di Lella 2013  "Skull of OW"
Copyright         Art  Di Lella 2013  "LTB"

Copyright       Art  Di Lella 2013  "LTB"
Copyright            Art Di Lella 2013 "#5"
Copyright      Art  Di Lella 2013
Copyright         Art Di Lella 2013   "Skul 5"cast
Copyright        Art  Di Lella 2013
Copyright        Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright        Art  Di Lella 2013     "LTB"

Copyright              Art  Di Lella 2013  " LO "
Happy New Year to all my visitors.
I just wanted to show some of my favorite images from the blog over the past year.
Although I was hoping to have more silicone casting done last year, I should be able to catch up and produce more posts on that very subject this new year.
I'm also planning to make changes to the blog over the next several months and expanding the services that I offer as well 

In other news,I will begin modelling this week another bust,Hyper Realistic Reconstructed Sculpture #8.
I'll have regular updates on that project plus news on LTB , #5 and profiling other artist's works that are part of my moulding and casting business.
I'm looking forward to a good and productive year and wish all of you the same.
I'll be back shortly.