Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Head Transplant and Comparison Hyper Realistic Reconstructed Figure Final

Copyright         Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright       Art  Di Lella 2013
Copyright        Art  Di Lella 2013
Copyright      Art  Di Lella 2013
Hello again.
I've just completed the "head transplant" of my Homo Erectus figure.  The face is definitely different from the first as you can see from the above image. It's difficult for me at this point as to why there are differences. The skull used on the first head (head on the left) was produced by BoneClones. It's a carefully crafted model which is very close to the original but not an actual cast of the fossil skull whereas the new head  was built over a cast of the actual fossil and so my question is: Are the differences between the skulls that significant or is it simply me having another attempt at essentially the same skull?
In the meantime, I will be starting final contouring and applying the skin texture to the new head as well as the rest of the body so there will be more posts on that too.

I'll be back soon. Have a great week.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Head Transplant Hyper Realistic Reconstructed Sculpture Homo Erectus/Ergaster Part 3

Copyright         Art  Di Lella 2013
Copyright       Art  Di Lella 2013
Copyright         Art  Di lella 2013
A short post today, I just wanted to show the process and progress of building the new head for my figure sculpture. I'm still sketching out the muscles and making connections so my "head transplant" will appear seamless. As you can see a face is starting to emerge but there's still a long way to go.
I'll be back soon. Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Head Transplant Hyper Realistic Reconstructed Figure Part 2

Copyright        Art  Di Lella 2013
Just a quick post on my figure. The surgery to connect his new head is still in progress. I just wanted to show the neck muscles as they are the first part in connecting the original body with the new head.

Copyright          Art  Di Lella 2013
Copyright     Art   Di Lella 2013
Copyright     Art  Di Lella 2013
You'll notice that the nasal bones and brow ridge have been repaired with clay.  The next stage I'll sketch out the muscles, start building the facial features and by then a face should start to emerge. We'll see how it differs from the original.
I'll be back soon. Have a great week!

Friday, 10 May 2013

Head Transplant for Hyper Realistic Reconstructed Figure Sculpture Homo Erectus/Ergaster

Bone Clones                                                       Replica made from fossil cast
Recently,I came across an authentic casting of the skull of Turkana Boy, a 1.5 million year old fossil skeleton from Kenya.  I found this casting on ebay of all places. The cast that I purchased was made in plaster with a resin jaw. The cast appears to have been moulded once before with some loss of surface detail and some distortion especially with the mandible. So I repaired this new cast and then made a resin copy to compare with the skull cast used as the armature for the head of my figure. The original skull that was in the sculpture before was by Bone Clones.
It's a decent replica which is a carefully crafted model and is close to the original but not as accurate as the  new cast. But after comparing the two skulls with photos I had of both I decided to ditch the first head.
 The differences are mainly with the facial details such as the nasal bones and eye sockets where there is a noticeable difference between the two skulls although not very discernible with the above image. The other issue was authenticity, I wanted to base this figure on an actual cast but found obtaining one before difficult so that's why the Bone Clones version was used in the first place
Copyright       Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright     Art  Di Lella 2013

Copyright    Art  Di Lella 2013
Now that the original head has been removed and the new skull installed,it remains to be seen if this move was wise or foolish. We'll see how this head transplant works out. I feel bit like Dr. Frankenstein.

On other news, I'm still working #8 and that Monster Clay portrait plus moulds and casts of other artists' works.
I'll be back soon. Have a great weekend.